Sunday, January 26, 2020
The Professional-Client Relationship Analysis
The Professional-Client Relationship Analysis Assignment Question: The professional-client/service-user relationship is expected to be objective and detached (Storr, 1989). Discuss this statement and other potentially stereotypical assertions we affix to the profession. Profession is a vocation or an occupation based on an educational training. It also requires a degree in that professional field. For example, teaching is considered to be a profession because it has both an educational training and a degree. The word profession comes from the Latin word professio which means a public declaration with the force of a promise. This means that the profession first presents itself to society as a social benefit and then society accepts the profession, expecting and trusting it to serve some important social goal. In fact, The Australian Council of Professions defines a profession as; a disciplined group of individuals who adhere to high ethical standards and uphold themselves to, and are accepted by, the public as possessing special knowledge and skills in a widely recognised, organised body of learning derived from education and training at a high level, and who are prepared to exercise this knowledge and these skills in the interest of others. The professional-client relationship, as Storr stated, is expected to be objective and detached. In fact, theories of the helping process that follows the medical paradigm have presented the ideal worker as an objective, clinical detached and knowledgeable professional. The relationship has to be objective and detached because a professional is someone whose efforts or actions are only intended to attain or accomplish a purpose or goal without any emotional involvement. For example, a doctors efforts are to cure the patients health without any personal feelings involved. In fact, if a worker expresses his real emotional feelings towards his clients, then he is considered to be unprofessional. The relationship between a professional and a client may be defined by boundaries. These boundaries make the relationship both professional and safe for the client. Paraphrasing Marilyn Peterson, from her book At Personal Risk, these boundaries are the limits that allow a safe connection between the professional and the client based on the clients needs. The clients needs should always come first. The workers personal values or biases should be prevented from their ethical decision-making. This is because, if their values enter their decision-making process, their personal views or needs would begin to govern or shape the therapeutic intervention. Therefore, in this situation the needs of the workers will be placed above the needs of their clients and the decisions will not be beneficial for the clients. Boundary can refer to the line that separates the self of the client and the self of the professional. Professionals should not touch or hug their clients because if this happens, the professional-client relationship would begin to diminish. Regardless of who initiates the touch or hug, the client or professional may then perceive the relationship as one between friends whether intended or not. Professionals should avoid becoming friends with clients and should not socialize with them. The need for professional boundaries is rooted in the power imbalance that exists between the professional and the client. This power imbalance exists because the professional has skills, expertise and knowledge that the clients do not posses and they need. This means that the client depends on and trusts the professional to do only good and not cause harm. In other words the client believes and has faith that the workers, while in their professional role, will fulfill their ethical obligations of bene ficence and non-malfeasance. Also, this power arises due to the clients disclosure of personal information. However, despite all this, professionals are human beings working with other human beings. There are days when they are tired and stressed, and as a result, their ethical decision-making may not be good as it is when they are not stressed. They may cross boundaries inadvertently or their clients may innocently push the boundaries. Nevertheless, it is the professional responsibility to maintain or re-implement boundaries and they must take responsibility for their actions. Stereotype is a belief or opinion that people in a society create on something or someone. Due to these stereotypes, many societies believe that in order to be a professional, one has to obtain an educational training and a degree in that professional field as already mentioned. Therefore, a professional is perceived as someone who goes to university, studies hard, obtains a degree and enjoys a comfortable salary. Such occupations that are considered to be professions to society are medicine, dentistry, law, engineering, architecture, social work, nursing, accountancy and teaching. However, there are occupations that are not considered to be professions but in my opinion they should be. For example, builders and plumbers are not considered as professionals because they do not have a high educational training like the others mentioned. However, in my opinion they should be considered as professions. This is because to be a builder or a plumber one should have a certain knowledge and s kill in order to bulid an entire building or to install and repair pipes. Furthermore, both builders and plumbers are really necessary in society. Therefore, I think that they should be considered as professions even though they do not have a high educational training and a degree. In addition, those occupations that are considered to be professions are not really that professional in my opinion. Workers are considered to be professionals because they have the knowledge and skill to cure their patients, however there are other things that should be considered. For example, usually doctors are not friendly and sometimes, especially in hospitals they have the habit to talk with nurses about patients in medical words. This may make the patients feel uncomfortable because they know that they are talking about them and they may not understand these medical words. In my opinion this is not professional. I think professionals should first make their clients feel comfortable as possible. Workers are required to choose between their personal and professional self during their work. Obviously, professionals have to choose the professional self in order to be professional. However, in my opinion by interacting the personal and the professional self together, one will develop a real skill. Professionals should help their clients in the most important and meaningful way they can. I think that there is nothing wrong if professionals show their feelings and express them to their clients. Professionals should respond in a personal way but at the same time carry out their professional function. In fact the interactional practice theory suggests that the helping person is effective only when able to synthesise real feelings with professional function. Without such a synthesis the worker appears as an unspontaneous, guarded professional who is unwilling to allow the clients access to the workers feelings. Clients do not need a perfect worker but they require someone who cares d eeply about their success and improvement. Usually, the clients are more likely to see the worker as a real human person rather than a mechanical. If the worker shows no sign of humanity, the client will either constantly test to find flows in the facade or idealise the worker as the answer to all problems. The client who does not know at all times where the worker stands will have trouble trusting that worker. Another way in which sharing the workers feelings can be helpful in a relationship is when the effect is directly related to the content of the work as when the worker has had a life experience similar to that of the client. Self-disclosure of personal experiences and feelings when handled and interacted with the professional function can promote client growth. The professional-client relationship raises many critical argumments. In fact there are also many films created purposely to criticse the boundaries of the relationship between professionals and clients. Good Will Hunting is an example of one of these films. In this film what attracted me the most is the relationship between Will Hunter and the psychologist Sean Macguire. Although Will was unaware, blamed himself for his unhappy upbringing life and so he needed help from a psychologist to find direction in his life. In their relationship, Macguire was suppose to be objective and detached. However, this did not happen. Macguire, shared personal information about with Will about his wife and that he was too a victim of child abuse.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Consumer Advertising Ethical Essay
She then pulls out a magazine and begins to turn through the pages when she find an advertisement for a prescription drug to treat migraines. This drug could ease her pain and let her resume her normal activities. Is it wrong for her to see this ad? Absolutely not. ?Sharing information with the public about possible cures is morally right. Withholding information that can save someone’s life is morally wrong. Direct advertising to consumers of pharmaceutical drugs is ethical based on a deontological perspective. Kant considered what is â€Å"right†over what is â€Å"good†to be  superior (wikipedia). In the case of direct-to-consumer drug advertising, the right of sharing information about cures and possible ailments outweighs any possible â€Å"good†that can be made on behalf of the advertisers. It does not matter that the advertising companies and the pharmaceutical companies will make money off of the patients purchasing the drugs. What is most important is sharing the knowledge with those patients. When the general public is presented with information about pharmaceutical drugs not only are they given information about something that can provide treatments for symptoms they may be having, but it also informs them about what certain groupings of symptoms may be. For example, a person having strange pains in his/her legs and doesn’t know what it is and might not seek medical attention. However, if he/she sees an advertisement on television that describes those exact symptoms he/she is experiencing, the advertisement would give the ailment a possible name. This information could help that person when he/she goes to see his/her doctor. The patient can describe what he/she is experiencing and tell the doctor about the ad that made him/her think there was a reason to visit the doctor for treatment. Some cases will be serious and others will be minor, this is not important. What is important is that the public was granted this information in an easily accessible format – the advertisement. ?The United States and New Zealand are the only two developed countries that allow direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceutical drugs (DeGeorge 320). Health care works differently in the U. S. than in other parts of the world like Europe and Canada. Because of the major differences in health care, DTC is more welcomed in these countries than in others. Here in the U. S. many people are paying for their own health care out of pocket unlike other places where it is provided at no cost. In other countries you don’t have to worry about whether or not you can afford to go to the doctor and/or pay for the visit and prescriptions. DTC advertising is more welcomed in the U. S. because people want to feel empowered and be given choices. Here there are a lot of options because people pay for what they think they need even if it is not the best option for them. ?People make decisions based on what they are convinced they need. In the U. S. you, or your insurance that you most likely pay for, have to pay for every lab and every doctor visit. So in the U. S. many people would rather treat symptoms than fix a problem. DTC advertising knows this and uses it to their advantage. Canadian Medical Association president Henry Haddad, M. D. stated, â€Å"The message U. S. consumers are getting is that pharmaceuticals are simply consumer commodities rather than complex therapeutics. We think that interferes with the physician–patient relationship by raising the expectations of patients and pressuring physicians to prescribe drugs. †(Fintor) This is a prime example of why other developed nations are not proponents of DTC advertising. ?When you look at direct-to-consumer advertising based on a utilitarian perspective it would be considered morally wrong. In utilitarianism you can only judge something’s moral value once you know all of the consequences (wikipedia). This means that every consequence needs to be examined and weighed. As a result of DTC advertising of pharmaceutical drugs, not only is the pubic informed about illnesses and a variety of ways to treat said illnesses, but also a plethora of other consequences that add negatively to the moral value of the action. ?One negative consequence to seriously consider is the money that is gained by pharmaceutical companies, advertisers, and doctors. Money will drive people to do almost anything regardless if it is morally right or wrong. When consumers see an advertisement for a drug they might try to identify with the ad and feel it necessary to visit their doctor. Once they visit the doctor they will claim to have symptoms that were described in the advertisement and then ask for a prescription to the drugs that were shown. Once the doctor prescribes these drugs the money is gained by all the involved parties and is lost by the patients. ?Many of the drugs prescribed have harmful side-effects that are downplayed by the advertisements. It’s all about the money and not the well-being of the patients. This is clearly displayed in a study that showed that a pharmaceutical company saw a return of $4. 0 for every dollar spent on advertising (DeGeorge 319). That’s an incredible 420% percent profit margin. With profits like that it’s easy to understand why the moral consequences have been ignored. It would be morally wrong for people to take advantage of consumers and capitalize on their illnesses. If the pharmaceutical companies were really all about informing the public about illnesses and treatments they would do it without receiving any money. Taking away the profit aspect of the pharmaceutical world would change the advertising and probably the drugs themselves. With no profits involved there would not be the push that there is to find something that could work to treat an illness regardless of the consequences. Scientists would strive to find treatments that would help people and not harm them; this is the basis of utilitarianism, weighing all of the good and the bad. In conclusion, direct-to-consumer advertising of pharmaceutical drugs has both positive and negative consequences. Do I believe people making money off of the misfortune of others is right? No. However, I do believe is our duty to inform and educate people about illnesses and possible treatments.The health and well-being of the population of the world is much more important than someone making a dollar.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Nursing Physical Assessment
Physical Assessment Lab 120-103 1. General Survey ! Level?! Awake & Alert a. Orientation to person, place, time? b. Ability to Communicate in full sentences with clear speech? c. Posture: upright and erect, shoulders level and symmetrical? d. Personal Hygiene: Clean & neat, no odor, dresses appropriately for the weather. 2. Integumentary System: a. Color: Uniform color – pink, tan, brown, olive. Slightly darker on exposed areas. There are normally no areas of bleeding, ecchymosis, or increased vascularity. No skin lesions should be present except for freckles, birthmarks, or moles, which may be flat or elevated. . Temperature: Warm and dry bilaterally. Hands and feet may be slightly cooler than the rest of the body. Skin surfaces should be non tender. (use back of both hands on patient’s forearms) c. Textures: Skin should feel soft/fine or coarse/thick. d. Turgor: When the skin is released, it should instantly recoil, no tenting. Best place to assess: Ant. ?Chest or abd omen. **Verbalize: I will integrate the integumentary system throughout the rest of the exam through checking and observing. 3. Head, Face, Neck a. Cranium: The head should be normocephalic, midline, and symmetrical.? . Scalp: The scalp should be white to light brown, shiny, intact, and without lesions or masses, flaking, or pidiculi (lice)? c. Hair: Pale blonde to black, thick or thin, curly or straight, coarse or fine, shiny or dull.? d. Frontal Maxillary Sinuses: Should be non palpable and non tender (must ask â€Å"did that hurt? †) e. Cervical Lymph Nodes: Should be non palpable and non tender, non visible or inflamed. (Preauricular, postauricular, occipital, submental, submandibular, tonsillar, anterior cervical chain, posterior cervical chain, supraclavicular. e. Best place to assess: Ant. Chest or abdomen. **Verbalize: I will integrate the integumentary system throughout the rest of the exam through checking and observing. Physical Assessment Lab 120-103 f. Carotid Ar tery: Has visible pulsation (should be in front of the sternocleidomastoid muscle), palpable bilaterally (not at the same time!!! ), no bruits (soft blowing or wooshing sound from constriction of plaque) g. Temporal Artery: Should be palpable and equal bilaterally h. TMJ: Glides smoothly, no clicking or crepitus. i. Trachea: Midline, Thyroid: non palpable, non tender (ask) j.Neck: ROM & Muscle Strength: Stand behind the patient, touch the chin to the chest, look up at the ? ceiling, move each ear to shoulder (without elevating the shoulder), turn head to each side to look at the shoulder. The Cervical spine’s alignment is straight, the head is held erect. Normal muscle strength allows for full, complete, voluntary joint ROM against both gravity and moderate to full resistance. Muscle strength is equal bilaterally. There is no observed involuntary muscle movement. Say: â€Å"full active ROM with no restrictions†k.Thyroid: Palpation: have the patient lower the chin slig htly in order to relax neck muscles. Place your thumbs on the back of the patient’s neck and bring the other fingers around the neck anteriorly to rest their tips over the trachea on the lower portion of the neck. Move the finger pads over the tracheal rings. Gently move trachea over to the side, then have patient swallow. Feel for any consistency, nodularity, or tenderness. 4. Eyes? a. Eyelids: Palpebral Fissure are symmetrical, no ptosis or lid lag.? b. Lacrimal Glands: Pale pink, patent, no excessive tearing, dryness, drainage, or edema.? . Eyelashes: Evenly distributed no ectropion no entropion.? d. Eyebrows: Even and equally bilateral? e. Conjunctiva: clear, pink, moist, without lesions? f. Sclera: white & intact? g. Cornea: Surface should be moist and shiny and without discharge, cloudiness, opacity, and irregularity.? h. Iris: round, symmetrical, and colored: green, blue, brown, hazel, violet, honey, etc.? i. Pupils: PERRLA (Pupils are Equal, Round, Reactive to Light a nd Accommodation) Check pupil reflexes. check twice each eye, direct/consensual, then bring penlight toward nose to assess for accommodation. . Ears? a. Pinna: Non tender, symmetrical bilaterally, without lesions or masses, (top of pinna should always be equal to outer canthus) – palpate simultaneously? b. Tragus: non tender, without lesions? c. Mastoid Process (piece of bone inferior posterior ear): non tender, no swelling, equal bilaterally (if one is different, ask for how long)? d. Tympanic Membrane: Pearly gray, shiny, intact (sometimes will see some white-cottage cheese looking bumps = scarring) MAKE SURE TO CHANGE SPECULUM BTWN EARS FOR PRACTICUM Adult: pull back and up, look anterior.Child pull down) **know how to use equiptment!! Instructors/proctors look for this!!! *** e. Umbo: (Part of the Stapes) Make sure this is present, Protruding = dehydrated, Not present = fluid behind eardrum. f. Cone of Light: Tiny triangle anterior inferior on tympanic membrane = healthy. 5:00 on the right ear, 7:00 on the left ear. Physical Assessment Lab 120-103 6. Nose? a. Nares: patent, have patient occlude one nostril and gently blow out air on back of hand to test patency. Mucosa: pink, moist, without lesions, edema, drainage? b. Septum: without deviation.Best was to assess is to push tip of nose up – shows if deviation is present. ! ***If nares are pink = allergies. If nares are bright red = cold. Saline shortens cold as it washes it ! down to stomach, where stomach kills the virus. 7. Mouth/Lips? a. Lips: pink, moist, intact, without lesions? b. Teeth: 32 including 4 wisdom. White with good repair, without caries? c. Tongue: pink, moist, papillae intact, midline, full mobility (ask pt to stick tongue out move left, right, up, down), without lesions? d. Oral Mucosa: pink, moist, without lesions (use tongue depressor & penlight) no red, no swelling? . Gingiva: pink, moist, intact, no bleeding? f. Uvula: Midline, rises symmetrically with soft palate when patient says â€Å"Ahhh†If absent patient will be sensitive to gagging. If long may be a sign of sleep apnea? g. Tonsils: Pink, symmetrical. They are graded from â€Å"absent – +4) +1 = peeking, +4 = kissing h. Hard/Soft Palate: pink, intact. Soft palate is pinker than hard Write: â€Å"What you would expect to see†If not, must state what you see. Are the eyelids covering the top of the iris? Always compare OD to OS. First begin assessment with visual acuity.?Corneal Light Reflex: Shine penlight 12-15†away toward eyes (at midline) Should get right reflex in same position in each eye. If asymmetric they have strabismus (weak eye muscle) Ears: Use tuning fork? Weber Test: Hit on palm Hold at tip head (hairline) Should be able to hear equally in each ear. Rinne Test: hearing acuity. Hit prongs on palmar, put it on mastoid process until can’t hear it any longer, then move it to holding it in front of the ear canal. ***Air conduction should be twice as long as bone conduction*** Semicircular Canals: control balance and equilibriumVertigo can be caused by a foreign body which has been dislodged and landed in semicircular canals. Native Americans and Asians can have â€Å"Torus Palantitis†looks like mountain ranges on palate this is a benign condition. 8. Sensory Neuro (answer to most cranial nerve testing is â€Å"intact†) *verbage: Physical Assessment Lab 120-103 a. Sensation – light touch, sharp/dull, intact? a. Upper Extremities – use cotton ball, & sharp & dull sides of broken tongue depressor use 3 spots: finger, back of hand, arm. * ! b. Abdominal Reflex * ! ! Positive or not present * ! . Lower Extremities – use cotton ball & sharp & dull sides of broken tongue depressor use 3 spots: toe, top of ! foot, and shin.? b. Deep Tendon Reflexes – (smack deep tendons using flat side of hammer) *These are graded 0-4 â€Å"What you would expect to find +2/4†) ? a. Biceps – p lace thumb at patient’s elbow (antecubital) to hold their arm. Hit own thumb with the hammer. ?b. Triceps – hold patient’s muscle so patient’s arm can swing freely. Hit hammer above funny bone. ?c. Brachial Radialis – Hold pt’s hand then hit hammer midway btwn wrist & antecubital. d.Patellar – Find tendon right above patellar bone, hit hammer on tendon? e. Achilles – About 2†above heel, support foot, relax leg. Will have plantar flexion.? f. Plantar or Babinski = severe brain damage â€Å"abduction†. So we say â€Å"Positive plantar ? flexion, no abduction†we only expect to find in babies. How to test: use metal side of hammer and trace the outer margin of the foot and across top, under toes. ?babinski or f. Best place to assess: Ant. ?Chest or abdomen. **Verbalize: I will integrate the integumentary system throughout the rest of the exam through checking and observing.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Careless Driving Free Essay Example, 1750 words
This is simply because the drivers are not taking the laws seriously or they are not obeying them because they think their lawyers and insurance companies can help them. The insurance companies promise to pay the damages in case of any accidents thus drivers are carefree about their speeding. On the other hand, the lawyers and advocates are so easily available in Texas that drivers may not find it very difficult to get out of a conviction with the least intensity of punishments. The best way to get free from a careless driving trial is to plead guilty and reduce as much as fines as possible. In order to make sure that the accidents are reduced, there should be strict laws. The fines imposed should be heavy, and the punishments should be more effective. If the punishment is more severe and strict rather than minor slaps on the drivers’ wrists, the accidents would definitely reduce in number. ‘Imprisonment and disqualification seem ineffective in deterring the worst dangerous drivers, though early results from Driver Improvement Schemes for careless drivers are more encouraging’ (Corbett 154). We will write a custom essay sample on Careless Driving or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now The driver’s licence should also be confiscated until he doesn’t sign an undertaking that he will take care next time. If this is time taking and a lengthy process, then the driver shall be warned. If the driver repeats his carelessness within the next month, he shall be convicted under serious offences and shall be sentenced. In Texas, there is some traffic controlling departments who are looking into matters to reduce the number of accidents being caused. ‘Police also must deal with criminals who use vehicles in committing their crimes. This often involves high-speed chases. At the opposite end of the spectrum is law enforcement’s responsibility to educate the driving public about their responsibilities and the rules and regulations they must obey’ (Hess 149). One of the ways to control it is to reduce the speed limits for the busy roads where, according to the statistics, accidents are more likely to occur. Reducing speed limits would actually lower the risk of damage caused to the person or property because a collision with a high speed will cause more damage than a collision with low speed. According to some, reducing the speed limit is not a good way to control the speeders because they are going to over speed anyways. Moreover, reducing speed limits will also cause trouble to the honest drivers. The least arguments regarding the body that can control the careless drivers are against the legal institutions.
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